Monday, April 25, 2011

Not A Fan

Norm MacDonald is back on TV with
a satire sports show on Comedy Central
As if there isn’t enough sports coverage available to avid fans across the globe already, Comedy Central keeps throwing its hat into the ring of sports journalism…only to get KO’d.   

After the debut of the ESPN-parody called the Onion SportsDome this past January (a show whose luster has already faded), the relentless cable comedy channel is taking another shot with Sports Show with Norm MacDonald, which debuted on April 12.  And once again, it’s off the mark.  

The main reason for my disapproval is that with Sports Show, Comedy Central is trying to stretch the definition of “sports journalism” into something it really isn’t: a comedian making lame and even inappropriate jokes out of actual sporting news.
The disgusting-ness of this image sums up
MacDonald's new sports show
Another cause of my disdain for the show is Norm MacDonald himself.  Norm is most known for his time behind SNL's Weekend Update anchor desk…from which he was fired in 1997.  His Wikipedia page notes that Comedy Central (his current employer) graciously crowned him #83 in their list of "100 Greatest Stand-Ups of All Time."  Number 83, what an honor!  Couldn’t they have chosen anyone below, say… #50 to host Sports Show?

This isn’t just a rip-on of MacDonald, but here are the plain facts: He’s awkward.  His delivery is poor and very scripted.  And frankly, his jokes aren’t funny.  Cork Gaines agrees in his critique of the show’s debut:

Norm hits us with a couple of more mediocre jokes. You know the kind. The jokes that you think are funny, but not funny enough to bother laughing. We are only four minutes in, and I am already hoping Adam Sandler will make a guest appearance…The final segment is something called "Garbage Time" with a 90-second running clock. In that period, he tells eight jokes, of which two had nothing to do with sports. But that's cool.
In the premier episode, MacDonald pretends to get a makeover to look like NBA star Blake Griffin, and then MacDonald’s voice is dubbed over Griffin’s words as he practices with a teammate.  To be honest, I did muster an audible chuckle or two when watching this clip.  However, I hate to say it, but the real cause of my laughter was more Griffin’s great acting skills (!) than MacDonald’s comedic powers.  See for yourself:
The other part may just be that I really have no desire to watch a sports comedy show.  It’s worthless if it doesn’t provide me with any valuable sports news…and it’s doubly worthless if it’s not even funny.  If I need a good laugh, I always know that the infinite supply of cute baby videos on Youtube is usually good for a giggle.   

Perhaps Craig Sanger put it best in his online review of Sports Show:

During his polarizing three-year reign as Weekend Update anchor on “Saturday Night Live,” mellow funnyman Norm Macdonald splintered viewers into two distinctive factions: love him or hate him.
Unfortunately, I fear more people will choose the latter after watching MacDonald's latest masterpiece.


  1. These are the top posts I feel you should put in your portfolio….

    Not A Fan
    -This post contains a recent news topic.
    -Great use of sources!
    -Very visually appealing post. I love the photographs and the video added humor to the post.

    Locker Room Lockout?
    -The post contains block quotes.
    -The video helped explain the situation and added more information.
    -You state your opinion on the topic.

    -You give credit to your multimedia.
    -You use a unique voice throughout your post. It helps readers pay attention and follow along, even though they may not be into sports.

    The Extinction of the Sports Guy
    -This post contains a recent issue, and one that is brought up regularly in class.
    -Again, great use of sources and multimedia. They add a lot to your posts.

    Madden’s Minions
    -This topic was very recent and interesting!
    -Your tone in writing clearly conveys expertise on the topic. Throughout the semester, you kept me interested in your blogs, even though I am not a big sports fan.

  2. Top five for your profile:

    Madden's Minions
    - Like the use of video
    - Great topic because this is one of the most popular gaming franchise's of all-time
    - Different look at something that I do every year with this game. (Seriously)

    Not a Fan
    - Great writing
    - Interesting take on topic
    - Great video to give us an idea of what the show is like

    - Great use of sources
    - Great video
    - Thought this topic was interesting because it's an underestimated part of ESPN

    TMZ-ing ESPN
    - Love this topic
    - Your writing is from the heart, which I enjoy
    - Great use of sources and media

    An Entertainer and an Icon
    - I like this topic because Rich Eisen is one of my favorite sportscasters of all-time
    - Great job citing sources
    - Great job of writing

  3. The top five blogs I would recommend are:

    Not A Fan:
    -Great article
    -Good use of links
    -Your picture after the third paragraph didn’t show up though. I could just be my computer though.

    Locker room Lockout?
    -Great use of quotes
    -Good summary in the caption area
    -Well written

    Sports + Science=Sweetness:
    -Interesting topic
    -I like the attention grabber you use right away
    -Great use of the italic feature to emphasize words

    TMZ-ing ESPN:
    -Great number of links
    -Good use of rhetorical questions to make the reader think

    An Entertainer and an Icon:
    -Good change of pace blogging about a sportscaster icon
    -Your voice is portrayed in your writing which is a plus
